Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Greetings

As you can probably already tell I'm the other half of the blog. My name is Lucas I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I play bassoon and flute and am very interested in music. I like to knit for other people. Kinda weird I know but I just haven't knitted anything for myself but maybe on down the road... I also like cake decorating-hence the picture-and ceramics so you might be seeing a few pictures of those to. So as Christine was explaining earlier we created a knitting book so to speak and are working through all the patterns to strengthen our knitting and patter reading skills and come out with a lot of scarfs, hats, socks and so on. So feel free to join us along our journey and try some of them out with us. We will be posting our first pattern soon so be looking for updates!

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